le blogger

i am just a little girl who live in a big world and surrounded by all types of people . some of them treats me like im a queen and most of them treats me like im a beggars . and there also one of them who treats me like im a princess .

// Monday 24 February 2014

Salam semua pembaca ,

Blog berdebu , keyboard beku , otak kaku , karang ayat pun merapu , lol .
Sekarang sekolah dah habis , tak payah susah bangun pagi buta ,
telinga tak bingit bunyi alarm jam 6 pagi,
kaki tak payah berdiri lama lama waktu assembly ,
leher tak sakit tidur tersengguk dalam kelas ,
mata tak pedih tengok drama queen ramai ramai ,
Nikmat ...

first post on 2013 // Tuesday 2 July 2013
peace be upon to all of you . i guess its already have been a decade i didn't update this blog , haha .

honestly , im still not ready to face the most struggling war called , SPM on this nov 6 2013 . haih , how come tak kecut perut , there is only a few months left for me to get prepared for the exam . and guess what , semua chapter form4 satu habuk dah tak melekat dalam kepala . GUHHH ! its totally freaking me out ! how i wish i can be smarter without reading books .*facepalm